Monday, May 03, 2010

Nicole's Slave KWEER

Poley Coley has been sending kweer to the gloryhole-y to service cocks, but his latest kink was that he wanted her to watch. While Coley swings around a pussy-slimed poley, she didn't want to get crotch cooties or venture beneath her station to the adult sexstore to witness kweer's suction power. So she asked if she could borrow my stunt cock Adam. I agreed, but reminded her that when I needed to do a photo shoot with a slave, and toad and fatfuck chickened out on me, she wouldn't let me borrow her (former) slave josephine. So, for borrowing Adam, she would owe me...something! Coley could not dispute this, so she agreed to get me 'something' next time we go shopping.

So now Adam is making some more spendy stuff, as he is the stunt cock for both fatfuck and kweer. And Adam still claims to be bi! Weak! The only thing keeping him from gay is his pink-haired beard girlfriend leeching off him for a place to live among other perks. They don't have sex, tho she will occasionally demonstrate her suction power on his big kosher meat. Nevertheless, Adam seeks no gay action on his own, he dreams of meeting an old rich queen, a la Elton John, who will whisk him away to his castle and bestow him with credit cards, a new car, etc. I have that same fantasy, except I dream of a cuckold....

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