Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mr. Maserati and Kidney Bean Update!

from peewee intrepid UK blog correspondent with my responses italicized....

So, go on - put me out of my misery.... was Nicki's bloke a 'date' or a 'slave' in the end. I'm going for 'date' by the way.

Well, Mr. Maserati turned out to be a gentleman, and the first encounter, my sister reports, was very traditional date-like, in that they went to dinner and he wanted to hear her life story and share his with her. There was no hanky panky (dammit!), not even kissy-kissy (dammit again!) and he asked to see her this weekend for another date! The only thing Nicki is sure of at this point is that he does have money and that he is cute and smart. Her slave-dar needs to be re-calibrated! She couldn't even pick up if he was submissive. But then again, he could have put on his best poker face and not let her penetrate the depths of his potential servitude, yet. We shall see. But as for the winners of the first DATE or SLAVE contest, peewee and Ember win! Which means Ember doesn't have to pay for drinks the next time we go out. Sorry peewee, since you aren't in the area, we can't slide you any free libation sensations, but next time you 'tip the elbow', it's on us!

And what about kidney bean? Have you enslaved him completely yet or is he trying to escape your grasp? I bet he loved kissing your boots Empress Sara. It's great that truly hot girls, when they crank up the dominance, can inspire this kind of servitude amongst certain men isn't it. I know for a fact I'd do anything you told me and I've never even met you! I fear taking it to any next level because my addiction and devotion and submission to you is already absolute. Catastrophe is the next step!!! Haha! But if I lived near, and worked with you then I would just fall at your feet forever. I suspect kidney bean is about to experience similar feelings!

Right you are peewee, kidney bean is trying to escape my grasp on his complete tailspin into enslavement! He believes, as most younger doctors do, that they have god-like powers and are god's gift to women. This is reinforced every day they go to work, where not only nurses, but also female patients flirt with them. These subtle or not-so-subtle golddiggers are just dreaming of hitting the Doctor Lottery. In our un-socialized health care system, some docs can rake in the bucks. Plus being a doctor's wife, carries some cache in our society.

I imagine kidney bean is making well over $200K in his burgeoning specialty and especially given the aging population in SoFlo. But what he needs to realize is that with me, there will be no traditional dates. There will be hanky panky; however, just not the type he would like to engage in! Yes, there will be more boot-kissing. But he vetoed the chastity device. However, on weekends where he's not on call, I told him I see no reason why he can't be cock-locked. He said it's because that's when he plays the most, he loves 'outdoor adventures' and other pursuits where he couldn't possibly have his member in an uncomfortable cage, or so he claims. We shall see. He is taking me to dinner this weekend and he's begging for a movie. And I shall use all my dominant wiles to steer his devotion my way!

1 comment:

peewee said...

Don't worry Empress Sara - just imagining you girls sliding me some libation sensations is enough reward in itself!!! xx