Friday, January 22, 2010

Mr. Maserati!

Nicki reports that she has a date tonite. Altho she is not sure, if by the end of the date, she will be in bed with the guy or if he will be her slave.... hmmm I detect a package check coming up! Nicki was out jogging earlier in the week in her nabe (neighborhood) and a car slowed down, she thought it was a Ferrari or Lamborghini, the cute driver chatted her up a bit. Turns out he lives in the same nabe, is available (divorced) and owns a security company. Later, a flower delivery arrived at the place she's living at, with the corniest of corn syrupy sickly sweet notecards: You Made My Day! (plus his cell phone number) So the wind-up is they are going out tonite and that it was a Maserati, duh Nicki, learn your Italian sportscars! But at least it wasn't a red Maserati, so there is hope for the outcome of the date. I alerted my gf's that we must make bets on DATE or SLAVE! The texts are coming in fast and furious. SLAVE is winning! Ember is holding out for DATE! Ember?? Who runs a Loser Dating Service?? Maybe she just thinks all dates are slaves!!!

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