Monday, September 14, 2009

Look the Part, Play the Part

As many of you have been asking for the update on my latest faux girlfriend gig.... Yes, I went as faggyboy Adam's faux girlfriend to his father's 50th birthday shindig. It was a huge event (over the top!) with Adam's family, and his dad's friends and colleagues. At first, I wasn't sure why Adam even needed a faux girlfriend, it didn't seem like I was such a necessity until I met Adam's brother and his brother's hot piece. Then it became clear, this was a duel of the hot piece girlfriends. I had deliberately JAP'd myself up a little bit, glaring nail polish, a trifle more make-up and jewelry. Look the part, play the part. I pulled it off. Adam was clearly gloating, selling his porno collection on Craigslist was worth it, if only for a few hours, to show everyone he was equally capable of having a hottie girlfriend and cast the illusion that he wasn't a loser, until the carriage turned back into a pumpkin and the dress back into rags as he made his way back to his place to find the cotton candy pink-haired bongsucking leech stoned and snoozing on the sofa.

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