Saturday, April 23, 2011

Flip Flopping

Since some of you begged to hear what is up with my latest slaves, here are a few morsels for your delectation. nuts gave me a really nice tooled leather purse from Rio along with some really pretty intricately beaded flip flops. He knows I have a purse addiction, lol, and he has a flip flop addiction. He's addicted to me beating his balls with flip flops. So of course I had to break in my new flip flops, not just wear them. Since they have leather soles, I needed to scuff them up a bit so they weren't so slippery when walking, but also the leather was really evil to smack his balls with, that inimitable sound. So I was happy with what nuts bought me while he was in Brazil for Mardi Gras since fatfuck let me down when he went to Hawaii and came back with lame tourist-y gifts.

Have I heard from my Forced Intox slave? No, not the slave featured here on my blog, but I have heard from another Forced Intox slave who loves draining a bottle of Jack Daniels and then passing out till his money runs out on Niteflirt. I hear him snoring and I put the phone down and then I collect his money. I'm sure he wakes up with a hella hangover and a hella ding to his credit card. While I wake up with a nice hella bunch of Niteflirt dollars!

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