Thursday, April 01, 2010

You Can't Put Bikinis in the Bank!

This was the smart remark Nicki dished out to Ash Slave who spends hours shopping for Nicki, when Nicki would rather have the 'cAsh'. I told her that he has a gifting streak and not to squelch it, he's bored, retired, nothing to do, but on the other hand, she should definitely steer him to gift her with more cash as well. She thinks that his spending money on 'stuff' is in conflict with his giving her more money. I told her that on Niteflirt, admirers will both cash tribute and buy things on wishlists, that it seems to be complementary, not working at cross-purposes. But when she mentally tallies up what he must spend on bikinis, sandals, jewelry, perfume, etc., she would rather have the two grand every week instead. Since I'm not in her new shoes literally, perhaps I would feel the same way, although I'd like wardrobe upgrades beyond fatfuck's sporadic shopping sprees and visits to the street marts with Nicole where we buy ummm possibly counterfeit designer goodies at low, low prices.

So far Ash Slave is up to $1,000 a week cash and probably double that on goodies. Nicki is heading toward the finish line at school, next she'll be doing rigorous rotations and won't have as much time to punish her slave's 'Ash'. Besides drunken slaves have expiration dates, as a Domme, you just don't know what that date is, and Nicki wants to take all she can, before his expiration date marks the end of a beautiful relationship.

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