Sunday, January 10, 2010

Nicole SITZ! Ember is the SHIZNITZ!

Nicole and Ember went skiing in Colorado this past week. They reported it was ultra cold so they spent more time in the hot tub, doing indoor sports ;-) and at the various area clubs. This is about how good Nicole skis. But she looks good while doing it. Nicole leaves more sitz marks (butt prints in the snow) than stays up on her skis. But I'm sure no one minds coming to her rescue. She reports she did do a member of the Ski Patrol, who was ultra hot in bed and hung for a white guy.

Ember pursued losers! Her business is open 24/7!!! She met a lonely divorced wimp from Long Island, his retiree parents live in Florida, in Pompano (as in Pompano Beach to all you non-Floridians). He told her he can't wait to see her again. She made him give her $$$ to prove his interest in her was genuine! And that he wasn't just giving her a line! Nicole and I have created a monster!

I just noticed, after looking at this pic again, it looks like Nicole's ski pole handle is a black cock phallic symbol!!!

Update from Ember: Pompano has been emailing her way too much, so she told him her time isn't free and made him give her a spendy Victoria's Secret e-Gift Certificate. I haven't gotten one of those in a while, even though I have ordered various slaves to indulge me. Ember must have the bewitching 'magick' or have found a completely helpless worm who obeys her every command!

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