Tuesday, May 05, 2009

The Mystery and Dilemma of Disappearing Slaves

First the toad hops away, then Nicole loses josephine. Both were lost to pussies, yes they started dating! How dare they! Nicole's slave Abe the Jeweler went senile and his family now keeps him locked away. Slave idiot is off the puppet stage right now, sobbing over his Amex bill. This, after Nicole pulled his strings for more goodies. Then her slave known as poolboy was supposed to be in town the first week of May for biz and play and she's sure he did hit town, but didn't get in touch with her and is avoiding her. Fucker.

I can't even recount how many slaves I scared away, one with my strap-on who ran off to Boston, or claimed he did, and changed his cell phone number to 617 to reflect that he left SoFlo and hit Mass, but I guess cellular companies can assign different cell numbers with a Beyonce finger-snap, so I think he was just cloaking. Because Ember thought she saw him at the Sagamore, while he was supposed to be in Beantown.

And now fatfuck is supposed to have quadruple bypass surgery. He says I seem to be more concerned about him than his wife. Go figure that. She's probably counting the beans that will spill her way, if he doesn't make it after they crack open his chest like a lobster. Me, I'm counting the beans I would lose.... Anyway, Nicki is back in town soon, sometime at the end of this month. She wants to re-appropriate fatfuck from me, but it looks like he'll be out of ballkicking commission for a while.

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