Saturday, January 03, 2009

Idiot's Delite

Well slave idiot has continued his spending spree on Nicole. Nicole scored a new laptop (hmmm was she jealous fatfuck sprung $1000 for mine?), and a laptop carry case (hmmm was she jealous my sister gifted me this for Xmas?), plus a commercial blender to mix drinks Chez Nicole. The latter was snarfed up at a restaurant supply place that was going OOB (out of business) or OOB as we call it down here. Lots of places going OOB. Retail is passe, it's nothing to do with the economy. Nicole also made slave idiot buy her a few kitchen-y gadget things. Idiot bought a few kitchen-y things too. How domestic. He claims to be a good cook and wants to whip up a huge dining experience for all of us hotties. Chef Idiot. Soon he will have his own cooking show. Cooking for dominant girls who laugh at him and belittle him for their amusement. Fucker I said Rare not Medium Rare! The Salad Dressing is too Mayonnaise-y dumbass!

So what delites did idiot get for taking Nicole shopping? A kick in the balls, spit in the mouth, pinched nips on his bitchtits, and to jerk off into a dirty sock he dutifully fetched from his hamper. SOCK PUSSY Nicole calls it. I am going to steal the SOCK PUSSY idea from Nicole!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking at that picture, it's hardly surprising that Nicole is refusing to succumb to the Miami fake titty epidemic! You two must cause one hell of stir whenever you venture out together! Hot!!