Saturday, December 06, 2008

Strange Dance

Nicole just called, funny how I must have summoned pure evil when I posted about her just a few minutes ago.

Nicole: Do you think we will burn out idiot again? Are we going too much too fast?

Me: Hell no, we have to get as much as possible from him before he gets his credit card statement or realizes how much he's spent and runs away again to lick his wounds. It happens all the time on Niteflirt. The money piggy slaves come running back when they want to play again. It's a strange dance.

Nicole: Yeah, it happens at the club too. It's like they're manic.

Me: I don't think they're manic depressives chemically, but they follow that curve. Mania followed by deep depression. Desire and regret. So while they're manic, we need to suck 'em dry.

Nicole: I left a message for idiot to call me. Let's see what we can suck out of him next.

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