Saturday, December 06, 2008

Leather Crazed!

Nicole and I met the idiot Friday evening for drinks and mayhem. Idiot was sweating, because he knew this would not be cheap. Nicole asked why he was such a pussyboy before. Idiot admitted that strong women scared him. He claimed he would date submissive women, women who admired his physique (guffaw, maybe years ago, when idiot was a weightlifting type). But he had always been attracted to physically strong or bitchy women. But he said he clashed with them. Which is hard to believe because idiot, while a narcissist, is a real pussy.

So we all had some Mojitos and then Nicole kicked idiot in the balls as he was getting out of his SUV, he knew this was coming, so he kind of crouched in dread. Oh man, oh man, that hurt, that hurt, but I guess I deserve it, idiot whined. You KNOW you deserve it, Nicole clarified.

Idiot took us shopping. Nicole bought new luggage, a whole set! And I got a new handbag. Nicole was plotting. Now she wants to make idiot pay for her to take a little vacay, sans idiot, altho idiot is begging to go wherever Nicole goes, like a little puppydog. Idiot's Amex took about a $1,200 hit between drinks, luggage, handbag. I love the smell of new leather. I need a leather slave to get me new shoes and handbags and belts and leather jackets and whips and skirt and.... I could go on but will stop myself before I get too leather crazed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...and whips and skirt...

Isn't it remarkable how a single phrase can resonate to seismic proportions?