Friday, December 19, 2008


slave idiot took Nicole shopping this afternoon. I was unable to go on this shopping spree as I had a lunch date. Don't choke, it was with a dyke, one of my ex-prof's from school. Then I had to meet with my bosslady after lunch plus do some XXXmas shopping for my family and friends. I know most of you are wondering if the dyke hit on me, she was solicitous, but totally professional. It was more of a business-y lunch, nevertheless, I'm sure she wondered what it would be like if I sat on her face for dessert.

That bitch Nicole raked it. Damn. I don't even have a spendy XXXmas slave, I have a Jewish scrooge whose shrew wife has him by the pubes for their holidays and parties and spending time with his sons who are on winter break from med school.

Poor Jesse (and the adjective is very appropriate) wants to meet up with me later tonite. I think he wants to play hide the large penis in one of Sara's hiding places. Not that I don't like playing the game, but I'm "in a mood" as my Mom used to call it. And I think I'll take it out on Jesse! Poor Jesse doesn't know what he's in for....

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