Monday, October 13, 2008

A slave josephine Sighting

Nicole spotted slave josephine in the condo parking lot with his nerdette girlfriend. Nicole almost spontaneously combusted. slave josephine dumped Goddess Nicole after 2 years of servitude to date a nerdy girl who is about 15 years younger than the slaveboy. Nicole said nerdgirl was no competition for her fierce beauty, but I reminded Nicole, it obviously wasn't beauty the nerd slaveboy craved. I still can't believe he left me! she cried.

Life post-slaveboy.... Nicole has no one to clean her condo or do her laundry or her errands. Goddess forbid, she must do these things herself until she finds another hapless slave. Why is it so hard to find a slave, she moans. It's not only hard to find one, it's harder to keep one, I think to myself.... Slaves are fickle these days, loyalty is out of fashion. You want loyalty, get a dog! Which is what Nicole did, she adopted a little Shitzoo (shihtzu I know how to spell it), but in this case, shit-zoo is more appropriate.

Read Comments (click below), here is my response: Nicole truthfully doesn't try that hard to recruit slaves. When you're beautiful, you think men should just fall at your feet and scurry about to please you. And if per chance, you trap a slaveboy, your attitude? That you don't have to do much to keep him enthralled. I suffer from this same fault. But Nicole and I don't live in Missoula, we live in Miami, where we are not the rarity, we are the majority. There are throngs of beautiful girls down here tripping over each other to get to the whales (the fat wallets), the BWM's (betas with money). Nicole will probably be pissed that I declared: "doesn't try hard". And she will probably not talk to me or text me for a few days.... Oh well, I must be prepared for the dreaded "silent treatment"!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never having read a single word originating from Nicole, it's not possible to speculate, but it is frankly incredible that a woman as incisive and articulate as you should have the slightest difficulty in finding a potential slave DESPERATE to exchange power. If I were not so remote (and now so poor, alas ;> ) I'd seek to be enslaved by you with the understanding that I'd be loaned or leased to Nicole until she found a slave or her own. Being sent to serve another would be about the ultimate abdication of power. Isn't life melancholy sometimes?

PS: Glad the hurricanes missed you this season