Thursday, December 13, 2007


Fatfuck has agreed to pay for a shopping spree pour moi. Slut wear and heels coming up! Fatfuck will be released by the shrew just in time for my FINALS. So I will have to find a way to squeeze fatfuck into my exam schedule. I need all the slave money I can get my claws on to replace my beater car.

Ember has arranged for me to rendez-vous with a car salesman to give me tips galore on 'pre-owned' car shopping and what scams or tricks to watch out for. Ember's Dad owns a dealership here in SoFlo, but I can't afford the cars (even the 'pre-owned') Ember's Dad moves. Someday.... So in the meantime, Vince will be schooling me on Used Car Buying 101. Vince can't believe I am making him pay me $100 to meet me for coffee, when I should be paying him! Ha! He says: I want to get your game. I want to get your game down. That's a good game. You are playing me.

Ember selected Vince from the car salesmen harem as a possibility for enslavement. We shall see if Ember's instincts were 'right on'.

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