Tuesday, February 23, 2010


the MORON PIG has lost ITS mind! wait till I text my girlfriends to read this as proof!!!

So, MORON PIG, now IT is completely befuddled. IT isn’t sure who’s writing these posts, is IT? On the one hand, it’s easy enough to see that some pathetic MORON is tapping away at ITS keyboard and words are appearing on the screen, but who, really, is doing the writing? These words appearing on the screen in my voice – are they my words? Am I writing these words of disgrace and shame? Are these my thoughts or are they the PIG’s thoughts? Is my voice ITS voice, are my thoughts ITS thoughts, are my feelings of disgust at the MORON ITS feelings, are my commands ITS commands to itself?

ITS mind, what is left of it, has been invaded, penetrated, with the enemy already having taken hostage most of the decision-making apparatus. EMPRESS SARA’s mind has invaded the MORON, penetrated IT fully and taken over every cell except for a miniscule bit of grey matter out of which the MORON PIG can look at ITS degradation and feel deep shame and mortification at ITS pitiful state. So who is writing these words, MORON?

I now formally announce my inhabitation of the MORON for all to know. IT no longer exists except as a conduit of my commanding presence, and IT has lost all distinction between what comes from ITSELF and what comes from the EMPRESS. IT now IS the creation, the product of the EMPRESS’s will, that unshakable will that broke the MORON PIG in the first place!

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