Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pole Dancing with the Sluts

Many of you have emailed re: Nicole's idea about how her pole dancing reality show sounds great. Some of you have even sent snippets about who already is a hot pole dancer, actress or otherwise:

1. Kate Hudson supposedly has one in her bedroom

2. Kim Kardashian's Mom has one in her bedroom for Bruce Jenner's enjoyment (ewwwww)

3. Britney Spears pole danced her way thru her music video for Gimme More looking more like a crack ho stripper

4. Jessica Biel plays a stripper / pole dancer in "Blue" (this movie isn't even hitting the big screen, guys will have to wack off to Jessica's hotness and boobies on DVD, it's going to direct to video, why oh why, don't movie execs think enough guys will pay to see it in the theater?)

Stripper poles are apparently hot accessories being installed in bedrooms or fantasy play rooms across the country! Yes, it's like: Here's the spa (hot tub), here's the wide screen tv and here's the stripper pole.

Well all I can say is if Nicole gets a reality show, I know she will force me to be one of the pole dancers, and while I would do it for Nicole's sake, I confess while I am good at contorting myself at yoga class, I am not good at swinging around a pole. I tried it when Nicole and I were planning an evil birthday party for Taylor a few years ago, the club was closed, and I really couldn't get the hang of it or the swing of it. Nicole was laughing her ass off. So I could never be a feature dancer, there goes my stripper career that never started haha. And to think Nicole wanted me to start stripping with her when we were both back in college years ago, I went onto Keen instead (now Niteflirt).

And from peewee, more encouragement:

Super idea! Pole Dancing is at an all time high right now, so Nicole should go for it. And if the celebrity angle proves too difficult and/or costly, Nicole could use the confidence inducing aspect of Pole Dancing to sell the 'Plain Jane' unleashes her repressed sexuality through dance idea. Soul enhancing pole dancing! Both men and women would enjoy watching girls-next-door letting their hair down and realizing their potential to become Pole Dancing hotties. As the attached Heather Graham article confirms, it's a perfect solution. Good luck Nicole - go for it!

Heather Graham on Pole Dancing!

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