Thursday, July 12, 2007


I punished both fatfuck and newslave yesterday afternoon. It was quite lucrative and I paid next month's rent plus paid off my Discover card balance. However, I'm not sure if newslave will become a regular. There's a chasm between what he really wants and what I'm willing to give him, until he earns the privilege of being granted access to one of the most sacred parts of my temple, my tiny little pink pucker. For now, I am comfortable with punishing his privates. So, I punished his cock and balls via ballkicking, trampling and CBT using various implements from around my apartment including my toilet brush. Result 'apres' CBT? He was looking a little green about the gills and wasn't even able to crawl to dinner as he'd promised he would take me out afterward. I threw the champagne bucket of ice at him. He said, HEY! I said, party pooper. He said, it was just a little more intense than I thought. Then he asked if I'd given any more thought as to when he can give me a massage and lick my ass and I said, NO. But you can pay to watch someone else lick my ass. Apparently not the answer or scenario he was looking for. Fuck him. I can find another fish or two to fry....

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